攻撃後の帰路及び其の方向は(別の口伝あれど)その時の状況によるも、忍出たる (通ったる道)
ままあり。 この時は小流または色々の地物等を利用し、これが方向を誤らぬよう注意し、予定
の集結地点に速かに取り付く事。よいな。 口口伝別にあり。
The way back after an attack and the direction of the return journey (though there are other oral
traditions) will depend on the circumstances of the time, but it is better to take the road that one has
taken to get there. If the enemy knows your route, or if you use the path that the enemy’s shinobi are
on, it can be dangerous. In such cases, use small streams or various landmarks, and be careful not to
take the wrong direction, and quickly reach the planned rallying point. Understood?
攻撃後の集結地は出来れば攻撃実施前の忍の地点または既往の終路上に決めおくもよし。 また
その際、出来るだけ少人数にて、その所に集結し、すみやかに敵と離るるをよしとす。 また別
The post-attack rally point may be preferably set as the same pre-attack point where the Shinobi first
gathered, or you could decide to make it the end of the road you are on. In such cases, it is best to
assemble as few men as possible in the same place and separate from the enemy as soon as possible.
Another thing is to set up rally points in several places. Gathering should be easy and clear. Even at
night, we shall carefully consider and determine a place where we will not be misdirected. We also need
to carefully consider and decide on a point where we will not be attacked by the enemy.
意すること。よいか。 撤退にあたり前進方向を、敵を迷わすため、一部を持って反対方向に行
かしおく事を忘るるなよ。 されど、この手は二度は無理な時あり。敵に我が手の内を見すかれ
ぬごとく同じ動きを二度するべからず。命取りになる事大なり。 よいか。
The assembly positions of groups acting in the same area or against the same target should be outside
the enemy’s line of sight, and the assembly should be completed before dawn. Retreat quickly and take
care not to leave any trace of our movement. Is that clear? In retreating, do not forget to send part of
your unit in the opposite direction you are moving to mislead the enemy. However, sometimes this
method cannot be used twice. Do not make the same move twice so the enemy does not see through
you. It could be fatal. Is that clear?
る事、別に伝有り。速かにその後の動きを(組) 準備の事。 よいな。
Once at the gathering point, the first person or group to arrive are to stand guard and be vigilant to
receive those who come later. Prepare early for subsequent movements as a group. Understood?
敵の動きありし時、 本陣、部隊特に鉄砲隊弓隊。 くわ組等、また食糧□送り中の重用兵器。戦
敵に大なる人物及び私的損害を与えるものとする事。 ふつう移動中の敵は、警戒は弱し。敵の
戦闘力及び我に対しての対策困難なる機会多し。 この気持にて攻撃の事。よいな。
When the enemy is on the move, their main units and troops, especially the gunners, archers, and
“kuwa” team (wood workers and earthen works workers), etc., as well as their heavy weapons, food
supply chain, all the things necessary for battle, are our targets for attack. Our goal is to keep them out
of the enemy’s hands. When a Shinobi attacks the enemy with force, it is to inflict great personal and
private damage on the enemy. Usually, an enemy on the move is not vigilant. There are many occasions
when the enemy’s military power or their counter measures to our attacks are difficult to deal with.
Attack with this in mind. Understood?
を第一とす。攻撃の目標はふつう成功確実なる上価値ある物を選び、攻撃の事。 よいか。
When the enemy is on the move, attacking their destination point can reveal the enemy’s movements.
Watch the terrain closely and consider the place and time that would be at the enemy’s greatest
disadvantage. Attack there suddenly. Your priority is to achieve your goals in a short time and leave the
area as soon as possible. Normally choose your targets by strategic value and the likelihood of success,
then attack. Got it?
調べ、動くこと。 よいな。されどそのために攻撃の時機を失わず、 とくせよ。よいな。 まま
攻撃するか。 もしくは目標の休止、夜になり野原口または家などに陣を取り、その不利なる状
よしとし、其の後敵が利用する恐れのある物を処分するをよしとす。 (爆破毀焼夷獲得)
When learning of the enemy’s movements, the target’s movements take priority, and the topography of
the area we will attack must be studied in particular, and in detail. Got it? Do this so that you do not lose
your opportunity to attack. Got it? If possible, use the power of the whole shinobi unit, and focus on one
point of attack. Each shinobi will wait for their target and either attack or hold on the target, to wait for
nightfall and let them set up camp in a field or on an estate and be in a disadvantageous state, and then
decide to attack. At this time, it is good to target your man and attack with all your might. Destroy and
dispose of anything that the enemy could potentially use against us. (via explosives, burning, breaking,
or taking with us)
End of part 25
Translated by Sean Askew – 導冬 –