welcome to bkrbudo
This is the home of the Bujinkan Kokusai Renkoumyo martial arts association.
We commit ourselves to spreading the art of Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu to the best of our abilities in the spirit of Bu-Fu Ikkan 武風一貫, meaning to “keep going” with perseverance in our pursuit of the martial arts. This was Hatsumi Soke’s vision when he founded the Bujinkan Dojo, and we at the BKR live this philosophy on and off the training mats.

In 2001, before leaving Japan after more than a decade of training with the Bujinkan Grandmaster, Sean Askew formed the Bujinkan Kokusai Renkoumyo (武神館國際連光明). Loosely translated as the “International Association of Bujinkan Practitioners”, initially it was a syllabus based system to educate and promote new students in the Bujinkan Dojo’s martial arts. It was a standard to maintain quality over the international member base. Over time it became a platform for Sean to write a blog on the various aspects of the Bujinkan martial arts, especially their history which inspired him to write his first book “The Hidden Lineage”.
Sean returned to live in Japan in 2005 for a few more years before again uprooting and moving to mainland China in 2008 for further investigation into the roots of the martial arts. He and his wife actively travelled the motherland in search of the ruins and remnants of the various origins of the Japanese Bujinkan martial arts. In 2012, Sean and his wife Kei left the beautiful island of Hainan, China to live in the United States to work in the automotive production industry, where they both hold executive positions in Japanese corporations. Currently Sean teaches the martial arts in Michigan, just outside of Detroit, to a small dedicated group of BKR practitioners. He, his family and his dojo members travel to Japan several times a year to further their training and research.
Five year ago, Kei Askew established the BKRBUDO website, and we became a family company proud to do our best to promote the Bujinkan Dojo Headquarters of Noda City Japan and provide high quality information related to the nine martial arts that make up the Bujinkan system.
We now also sell world class merchandise such as books, t-shirts and hand crafted stone inkan stamps. Keep coming back to see our updates and don’t forget to follow and subscribe!!!
When you think of BKRBUDO you are thinking of the best!!!
Sean and Kei Askew
our services
We look forward to providing support, education, information and a community of like-minded people to help foster the growth and expansion of Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu throughout the world. Our staff has plenty of experience working with others to create the best environment that facilitates people of all ages to get involved and integrate Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu and its principles into their lives.
Follow Sean’s latest research on the history of the Hidden Lineage and Ninja History here.
Inkan Art
See information on ordering BKRBUDO hand-carved hanko and how to get your own warrior name.
Meet the team
We hope you enjoy your time here and explore the information and products that we offer. Ranging from our blog and special annual events to our Japan training tours and training webinar clinics with one of the world’s top Bujinkan instructors.
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