Get ready for an incredible martial arts experience that will change your life! The BUJINKAN 2024 NOGUCHI TAIKAI is coming to Chicago, and you won’t want to miss it! This event is your opportunity to learn from some of the best martial artists in the world and connect with a community of passionate practitioners. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, there’s something for everyone at the BUJINKAN 2024 NOGUCHI TAIKAI. You will train with the best instructors, gain new skills, and make long lasting and meaningful friendships that will carry you forward on your martial arts journey. This year all who attend will be getting a signed Taikai gift from Noguchi Sensei, so mark your calendars, gather your gear, and get ready for a life-changing adventure at the BUJINKAN 2024 NOGUCHI TAIKAI in Chicago!

Bujinkan 2024 Noguchi Taikai Chicago

We extend our sincere gratitude to Leah Offutt for generously providing these downloadable images, which we deeply appreciate!

Please note that these represent the entirety of our current photo collection. If you possess additional photos, we kindly encourage you to share them on Facebook, allowing everyone to enjoy the memories together.

We had an absolutely amazing experience and eagerly anticipate reconnecting with all of you in Las Vegas for our next event!

Thank you for your contributions and warm regards.

Sean & Kei Askew




Noguchi Sensei is one of the longest training pupils of Bujinkan Dojo founder, Soke Masaaki Hatsumi. This year marked his 50th year of training under Hatsumi Soke. He is the 19th Soke of the Koto Ryu and holds menkyo kaiden (full-liscencship) in Gyokko Ryu Koshijutsu, Togakure Ryu Ninjutsu and Kukishin Ryu Bojutsu. He is known for his ability to flow from soft to hard and back again with amazing effectiveness while his smile lights up the room. Everyone enjoys being around this genuinely always happy man
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