Bujinkan 2022 Noguchi Taikai Las Vegas video footage ($35 for attendees)(USB Stick)


($35.00 USD for those who attended the Taikai, please CONTACT US for your coupon)

This price is for orders and shipping within the United States. For all orders from outside of the USA please contact us directly at bkrbudo@bkrbudo.com and we can discuss your options.

Over 6 hours of footage!!!

This is a USB digital sticks download of the teaching sessions held at the Bujinkan 2022 Noguchi Taikai in Las Vegas. The footage has been edited to just the times the instructors were on stage teaching. This footage does not have any slow motion/instant replay effects. It is simply the footage of the seminar for you to play back in the privacy of your own home. As this is a digital file, it is simple to manipulate the footage the way you want to view it with your own video apps or software.

The footage is broken down into the following files:

Day 1/AM Sessions – Noguchi Sensei & Daishihan Mark Lithgow (48 minutes)

Day 1/PM Sessions – Godan Tests part 1, Noguchi Sensei 1, Daishihan Alex Esteve, Noguchi Sensei 2 (1 hour 3 minutes)

Day 2/AM Sessions – Noguchi Sensei & Daishihan Alex Esteve (56 minutes)

Day 2/PM Sessions – Godan Tests Part 2, Noguchi Sensei 1, Daishihan Marcio Deshi, Noguchi Sensei 2 (1 hour 18 minutes)

Day 3/AM Sessions – Noguchi Sensei & Daishihan Marcio Deshi (53 minutes)

Day 3/PM Sessions – Noguchi Sensei 1, Daishihan Mark Lithgow, Noguchi Sensei 2 (1 hour 4 minutes)

SKU: NTLVUSB Category:

© Copyright 2024 BKRBUDO LLC. All rights reserved


Federal law provides severe civil and criminal penalties for the unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or exhibition of copyrighted motion pictures in digital format. Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and may constitute a felony with a maximum penalty of up to 5 years in prison and/or a $250,000 USD fine. DO NOT COPY/DISTRIBUTE


Weight 0.2 lbs
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