
Alex Meehan is a journalist and author based in Dublin, Ireland. He started training in the Bujinkan martial arts in 1989 in Dublin, Ireland, and met Hatsumi Sensei (and Noguchi Sensei) for the first time in 1997 at a Taikai in France.
He made his first trip to Japan in December 2000 and has since visited Japan more than 50 times. He opened the Bujinkan Namiryu Dojo in Dublin in 1998, passed the Godan test in 2000, was awarded 15th dan in 2009, Yushu Shihan in 2015 and Dai Shihan in 2018.
He’s also been the recipient of various honours from the Hombu Dojo, including multiple Golden Dragon awards, the Bufu Ikkan sho and the ShinGiTaiIchi Sho certificate. His dojo website can be found at